So...yet again we are faced with a major Faith decision in our lives today. My desire is to be a stay at home mum and the best that I can be at it. Since we've moved in our new house I have been given the opportunity to work 2 days a week at my husbands work doing admin. Now my husband has been both loving and hating his current job that he's been in for 3years now. Unfortunately it's been more hate than love and I think he's gotten to a point where he's just plain tired. He works a full day and sees clients in the evening, sometimes every day of the week, which can get to you in the end. Plus his salary has been decreased twice and increased as well, so there is a little bit of instability there. Now an amazing job offer has come up for a position that he is familiar with and has normal hours a stable salary and no pressure to sell as much as he's doing now. The salary will be more and he'll still have his flexi hours which he needs. Anyways, the reason we are relying of Faith now is because the woman who worked the other 3 days when I'm not there has resigned, and they have come to me today to ask if I would like to work a full week possibly with half day hours. If Brennen doesn't get the job offer - I will have to work and I will be sad if I ever have to miss any of Jude's functions or outings or not be able to be at home when he is ill and on holiday. That is why we are so privileged to know Jesus Christ and to be apart of that freedom that He has given us - a life that CAN be easy if he just trust in Him. The hardest part of Faith is letting go - letting go of that fear that is telling me to sign the contract to be safe. Which I am most definitely not going to - because we have asked Him for this opportunity and we have to believe that He will come through for us :)
Please pray for my husband who 100% believes in having Faith but sometimes struggles to let go of that fear of "what will happen". Pray for us that God will show His favor (as He always does) that my husband can be given a refreshing reminder of how much God loves Him and wants to give Him the desires of his heart.