Saturday, March 16, 2013

Just popping in to apologize for not posting anything for so long :) My computer is officially broken and I am now trying to figure out how to do this. Im currently typing from the television with a wireless keyboard on my coffee table hehe.
So just an update with life... Been a busy one at work - offices are being renovated so we've been working and moving furniture etc.. it's nearly finished though - which is good!
I have started studying business management - very excited about it! I have learnt so much already and our first assignment is due soon -yay! I wish I enjoyed it this much when I was at school hehe.
And lastly I have started a weight loss channel on You Tube - I have found motivation to loose weight and I have put it out there for the world to see so NO PRESSURE hehe - but so far so good!!! Oh the channel is called WeighWithMe :)
Well thats my little update - I hope to be posting pictures soon!!! 

Lots of Love xxx